The 10 Fanciest Mustaches in Literature

This week, I'm that special combination of overheated and busy that leads to short blog posts. 

But at least there are ten fine-ass mustaches to stare at. 

10. Charles Dickens

You might say that I had some 'Great Expectations' for this writer's mustache.


Every Plot Summary Sounds Stupid (or, Why You Never Ask a Writer What Their Story is About)

I write books. I've finished one novel, I've got several others languishing in various stages of completion on my computer, and I technically have a published nonfiction book that I wrote but am never, ever allowed to name on this blog because that's how ghostwriting contracts work.

Despite the name, ghostwriting involves surprisingly few ghosts.

For most of my friends, acquaintances and rabid stalkers, I'm the only book-writing person they know. I don't blame them at all for being curious about it. I get it, it's a weird thing to do with your spare time. So I try to answer any questions as best I can. I can give an an explanation of the traditional publishing process. I admit to some of the not-so-pleasant realities of writing for money. I spread the word about online writing contests I have benefited from. I share all of my biggest writing triumphs and how I achieved them.

There's just one question I won't answer.

"What is your novel about?"


On Vacation

Everyone needs a break from time to time. I'm taking one now. See you in two weeks, bitches.

Peace out. Wait, do people still say that?

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