On the Road to Banff

Today's the big day.

Some time ago, I wrote about winning the Darren Zenko Memorial Prize in Creative Writing. For those of you who are allergic to hot links, the award is given out each year at my university to the most outstanding student in a creative writing class, as determined by a jury of writing professors who were clearly drunk that day.

Booze is the only thing that drowns out the stupid questions of undergraduate students.

I've been counting down the days until the Writing with Style Workshop to begin, and my basic ability to keep track of days of the year has finally paid off - it starts tonight! I will be spending the next week workshopping the first chapter of my newest novel with Alison Pick, an award-winning Canadian author whose books you should be reading, like, right now.

Go read this.

But first, I have to endure the 8-hour Greyhound journey necessary to make the 4-hour trip. I'll be back in a week with updates, pictures, more pictures, and all the writing advice and valuable lessons I learned at the Banff Centre. Stay tuned.

How I feel right now.

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